University College London (UCL) Affiliations:

  1. Department of Geography
  2. Centre & Digital Public Health in Emergencies (DPHE)

Anwar Musah is one of the researchers on the MEWAR Project, he is based within UCL-IRDR’s Centre for Digital Public Health & Emergencies (United Kingdom). He is broadly interested in combining statistical modelling and geospatial analysis to public health. To date, his interdisciplinary background has led him to apply these to areas of neglected tropical disease epidemiology (e.g., cholera, soil-transmitted helminths & schistosomiasis) and medical entomology (e.g., surveillance of arboviruses in Brazil).

Social Media Outlets:

  1. Follow me on Twitter: @AnwarMusahAM
  2. My Researchgate profile
  3. My Google Scholar profile